Between Every Two Pines

Between Every Two Pines

Exactly one month since my last blog post but I am finally ready to talk about our (long) project! What started out as a simple thank you gift that we anticipated would take about...a month or so to crank out, turned into a 4 month-long feat. We had hoped to produce these gifts as a thank you to those who've let us stay with them during the course of our 2-week road trip and send them off in time for the holidays. Life maintenance happened and many other creative endeavors landed on our plates that took precedent due to their deadlines so the project got swept under our unkempt rug. We began talking about the project more than we were working on them and that had me worried. Alas, as my previous post noted, I had to trust the process. Now, I can finally say they are finished and ready to ship (*sigh of huge relief*)!!

Austin and I took a trip back in October to the PNW (ooh, ahh). For two weeks, we took a major screen-break and focused on getting back into writing, drawing, and photograpy to document our adventures. After a tiring ~6000 miles, various campsites, several hikes, and only a mere 1700 photos, we arrived back safely in Iowa (I still cannot believe Austin's ol' clunker took us to the coast and back). 

"Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world."
-John Muir, (Yeah, we went there.)

It is truly an awe how beautiful our country is – and we explored only a small fraction of it! We are so fortunate to have good friends in many wondrous places and happy to have made new ones along the way. We wanted to thank everyone who comforted our traveling souls – whether it was with a place to sleep & hot shower or just with suggestions on where to car camp. The trip was physically exhausting but worth every mile and we knew that without the hospitality of our old friends and new friends, our travels would have been much more difficult! 

THE PROJECT! We hand-bound 8 books comprised of a little less than 90 pages of our favorite photos, encased in a hard cover that we screen printed with illustrations that reminded us of our time in the PNW (lots of cup noodle doodles). I'm already itching for our next adventure (yay for year-long National Park Passes). Until then, working on this bookbinding project has helped me relive every moment we had out there and I hope it brings about the same kind of joy to its recipients. 

Click through to see our (long) process. :) The first few photos were taken at Public Space One. Since being out of school, it has been hard finding the right resources to feed our creative endeavors. We are lucky that we have access to a public print studio where we are. (Thanks, PS1!)
*Apologies in advance for the inconsistent lighting since we worked on these at literally all hours of the day!